Hawaiian weddings, like other weddings, are replete with customs, folklore, and other cultural features that will bless the newly married pair with health and happiness. These ideas can start you off on designing a Hawaiian wedding for yourself.
The bride and groom should be properly attired. The traditional dress of the Hawaiian bride is called the holoku, which is worn in white, or another possibility is the traditional wedding dress. She should wear flowers through her hair. The bridegroom's shirt should be white (whether formal or informal). White pants also. He should also have a bright sash. Shoes are optional if you're being married outside.
Obtain a lei for everybody. If you go to Hawaii you will see plenty of flower garlands around people's necks. They are called leis. The bride and groom should be provided with two green leaf leis which will surround them with a pleasant fragrance. The two also are expected to welcome each other and both are a symbol of how the ancestors did it in traditional times. In addition, the bride's lei should get covered jasmine woven into it. The mother of the bride and groom, should also have a lot of white jasmine, in the lei. A lei may be ordered for each of your wedding guests, if you like.
Enjoy a ceremony rich with Hawaiian traditions. To keep your Hawaiian wedding very traditional, it should be commenced with the thrice-blowing of a conch shell. It symbolizes the inclusion of the Lord and His approval of the Hawaiian marriage union. Filipino and other Asian traditions can be mixed into a Hawaiian wedding to reflect the different cultures. For instance, you might like to have 1001 origami cranes at your wedding to bring good luck. It's a tradition deep in the Chinese culture that has survived for many, many years. Or, perhaps you want to set off fireworks to frighten evil spirits. You might want to include a Philipino money dance in your wedding plan. The cultural mix of traditional elements is in fact left to the couple. Ask your parents also before deciding to include or omit certain traditions. Both the reception and ceremony will likely have traditions that you wish to include.Remember the wedding cake. The cutting of the cake at a wedding originated as a western tradition, however, today it is recognized and followed by most grooms and brides no matter the cultural backgrounds. Since it symbolizes the start of the couple's new life together, have your wedding cake made with wheat flour if you want to incorporate an element of Hawaiian tradition into your cake cutting. Then hold a knife together and cut the cake as one to show your allegiance to each other. Next, you should exchange bites of cake, to symbolize the shared experiences that you'll have together in the future. Plan to have enough cake to offer each guest a piece at your Hawaiian wedding.
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