What bride doesn't dream of having the perfect invitations? Well I am definitely one of those brides. When I was growing up I was completely fascinated by the intricacies and detail that went into each invitation. I would get so excited when my parents received them in the mail and I loved opening them! So it didn't surprise me that this was going to be one of the more important decisions that we or I was going to make. I browsed websites upon websites, scoured all the bridal magazines but I just couldn't find the "one". Finding my groom-to-be was easier than this! I loved the look of cherry blossoms, and thought this would be the perfect starting point. But all the invitations that I liked were beyond our alloted invitation budget.Fast forward to our August 2006 trip to the Philippines. I received an invite to go to a wedding show and the rest is invitation history. I finally found them! Phew! And they were so within our budget that I couldn't believe this was actually ha ppening. I placed my deposit the day before we left for Canada. At that point I didn't think about the logistics surrounding it all. All I cared about was that I was going to get the invitations of my dreams. It took me 8 long months to get the custom design completed.Now it was time to ship them to Canada. "Pop wedding bubble and insert reality here." I guess I should have taken into consideration the weight of all 200 boxed invitations! Although in my defense, math was never my favorite subject. When they were finally cargoed here, there was still that minor detail with customs that I narrowly escaped. I won't disclose any more details just in case they're tracking this blog. I finally received and inspected all of them, painstakingly, one by one. So far so good! My final hurdle in this invitation process was getting them all ready for shipping and of course the shipping costs. Ouch! I handed out most of the boxes to our friends and family here in Ottawa, and I mailed out Mr. Jelly Beans' side to LA in one hugantic box. But there were still some that I needed to mail out. No one really knows but lil ole me how much shipping each individual box really cost. Shhhhh!So, lesson learned: Follow your heart but keep in mind that sometimes that comes at a price. We got the inexpensive wedding invitations that I loved, but we probably went over our budget with the shipping costs. But in the end I was one happy bride-to-be!
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