
Saturday, 22 September 2012

Filipino OFWs appreciate gift delivery Philippine-style - Business

Score another point for gift delivery Philippine-style. John Carlo Delos Santos works as a nurse in Surrey, United Kingdom. The 31-year-old health care professional recently celebrated his sixth year as fellow nurse Lorraine Gueco's boyfriend. Despite separation from Gueco for more than two years, Delos Santos has not broken up with her, and has instead used the Internet for communication and gift delivery Philippine-sent. For their anniversary, Delos Santos ordered six dozen roses sent to Gueco's doorstep, proving that, at least for this relationship, distance is not a hindrance to love.

Delos Santos is among the growing number of Filipino overseas contract workers (OCWs) who tap the Internet to enjoy gift delivery Philippine-style. Thanks to a number of reliable Filipino-owned and -operated gift delivery websites, any gift item can now be ordered from anywhere in the world and delivered straight to one's doorstep.

Take Express Regalo, for instance, the Philippines' premiere all-occasion online gift shop. This gift delivery Philippine provider, owned and operated by the trusted LBC Group of Companies known as 'Hari ng Padala,' or 'King of Senders,' has cornered a significant reputation for quality gift delivery Philippines. Its growing roster of gift items for delivery anywhere in the Philippines, as well as its secure ordering and payment process, has earned for it an enviable number of loyal OCW customers,

Express Regalo is most primarily known for being the most trusted floral gift delivery Philippine provider. OCWs appreciate the selection of Philippine flowers on the website, with almost two dozen bouquet varieties delivered door-to-door. Whether sending a flower for no occasion at all or occasions like weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or funerals, ordering Philippine flower delivery online has never been easier.

Express Regalo also offers Filipino OCWs the opportunity to order other special gifts for special delivery Philippines. Online gift delivery via this website now includes Philippine gifts including whimsical balloon bouquets, thoughtful gift baskets, vintage wines, even roast suckling pig, more affectionately known to Filipinos as lechon. Even practical gifts are available for gift delivery Philippines: gift certificates and prepaid phone cards are common choices.

One particular Philippine gift item that is rapidly gaining in popularity is the Magic Sing line of specialized microphones. The Extreme Magic Sing and Wow Magic Sing microphones, an extremely ubiquitous Philippine gift item for Filipinos all over the world, come with a built-in chip that allows the user to select from literally thousands of karaoke songs.

Delos Santos plans to marry Gueco in a few years' time. He claims engagement rings in Surrey are extremely expensive and not very pretty. He's not too worried, though; he's confident an online gift delivery Philippine shop like Express Regalo will have something available for him by that time.

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