
Saturday, 5 January 2013

Are you ready for that wedding proposal? - Marketing

The wedding month of June has always inspired men to let their brain awake from their slumber and think up the most creative ways on how to propose to the woman of their life. Here are some of the things men do when proposing:

Birthday Proposal Propose to your partner on your birthday. Pretend to be sick of opening presents and tell your partner to open one. Just make sure the one she opens is the box with the ring in it. By the time they have looked twice be waiting on one knee and pop the questions

Movie AdvertisingMost movie theatres have repeating advertising slides before the previews that can be purchased. Write her name up in lights, and be sure to get to the theatre early enough.

The first place you metReturn to the exact place where you had you and your girlfriend first met. Talk about some great moments you have shared, and then say something like "We've had an amazing journey together so far, and now I think we're ready to take the next step in that journey. I'm hoping you'll do me the honour of marrying me."

Your Favourite RestaurantRestaurants are often a very popular place to pop the questions. Remember to call beforehand and get advice on the best way to propose by the staff- perhaps the proposal is written out on a plate, or perhaps the waiter delivers the ring along with your desert.

Project your LoveUse a projector to shine your proposal onto a wall, house or other landmark that she passes on her daily route home. Note you may need to get permission from a council depending on where you plan to to do this.

Starry, Starry NightSpell out your proposal in glow in the dark stars so that it appears above her head when she goes to bed.

All wonderful ideas only waiting to be properly executed by that lucky guy, there's only one thing missing to complete the package, a bouquet of her favourite flowers. At Flowers Philippines, they provide what you need to complete your perfect proposal. From roses to anthuriums, they have it fresh in their stocks and are arrange to fit you need. Not only that but Flower Philippines delivers to when and where you need it, through LBC group of companies so you know that your flower arrive safe and on time.

For flower with no worries, be sure to visit Flower Philippines at and get that wedding started!

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