
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Bean Bag Pillows - Home - Interior Design

In the Philippines, we were all aware of bean bags furniture alone but we never mentioned the market is also selling a bean bags pillow. Have you heard of this? This is my first time to hear bean bags pillow, I swear. I even had no idea how it looks like until I myself had it as a token.

We do know that bean bags are the spongy item we have in the market. We are so anxious that it brings coziness and relaxation after using bean bags furniture. But what the bean bags bed or sofa gives is as same as what bean bags pillows are. Bean bags pillow has the size of our traditional pillows, what's the different is the fillings and the advantages it promotes. Our traditional pillow has been filled with cotton on it while the bean bags are composed of pellets, Styrofoam and small dried peas. These compositions are the reason why users tend to be satisfied and suave. It can be a decorative item in your bedroom as the outer shell can be of glossy-velvety fabric and can also be changed anytime depending on the occasion. Never can you ever feel the roughness of the bean bags.

I have also learned that bean bags pillow is not only for the purpose of sleeping. User can actually display it in the living room and top it other deco. The glossy will shine and give brilliant effect on dim room. Aside from that, bean bags pillow can be used as give-away or token to weddings, debut or any occasion. Manufacturers can have a personalized design and outer shell can match with the motif. The first time I had a bean bags pillow as token is when I attended a wedding of my friend. It makes my eyes popped wide as they handed me the miniature pillow. It was so ornamental and an eye-catching item. I never imagined that bean bags pillow can be functional as ever. Maybe time will come that even our beach bags or carpet can be made out of bean bags, just a nerd imagination though. Who knows one will get interested to invent this?

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