
Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Filipino Pride is Upheld by Collezione C2 Pilipinas Map T Shirts - Shopping - Clothing

When Filipinos don the Collezione C2 Pilipinas map t shirts they do so to uphold their pride in their country. They have done so from the time these distinctive garments were launched in the Philippine market. It was as if the Filipinos immediately recognized a new medium by which to express their strong emotions in tribute to the Motherland, whether they are residing in the Philippines or in any other country. Many of those who are outside the Philippines have been frustrated, though, in their efforts to purchase the t shirts without having to come home, especially if they do not happen to have close relatives left in the homeland to do the buying for them. When the Collezione C2 online store was made operational, this problem was promptly solved. Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike can easily, quickly and securely procure any number of Collezione C2 t shirts and polo shirts online to be shipped from the Philippines.

The Collezione C2 Philippine map t shirts and polo shirts are worn with pride by Filipinos not only during Philippine Independence Day but any other day in the Philippines and in any country across the globe. Their non-Filipino friends have been wearing the t shirts as well in an expression of solidarity with the Filipino people. The online shop can serve all their needs equally.

Nationalism and love of country is the message that Filipinos want to express when wearing the Collezione C2 Philippine map t shirts. During the wake and funeral procession of former President Corazon Aquino, for instance, large masses of people came wearing the yellow Collezione C2 Philippine map t shirts with the black map or the black shirt with the map in a contrasting color. In the Philippine presidential election campaign period and Election Day itself the presidential candidates, their party mates and their supporters wore the Collezione C2 t shirts but in their respective campaign colors. The media on the other hand even had special commissioned shirts to wear.

The Collezione C2 Philippine map t shirts gain more media mileage when worn by Filipino celebrities and personalities of international acclaim. The Collezione Philippine map shirt has been widely photographed being worn by the likes of Efren Peaflorida Jr. who was the CNN Hero of the Year for 2009 and Sarangani province Congressman Manny Pacquiao who is an eight division world boxing champion with ten world boxing titles.

Collezione C2 Creative Director Rhett Eala is the designer of the Collezione C2 Philippine map t shirts. While quite a departure from his designs for wedding gowns and formal gowns, the more affordable Collezione C2 Philippine map t shirts have been appreciated by a larger number of buyers.

Filipinos in the Philippines or abroad can choose to express their pride of country even every day of the week by wearing various colors of the Collezione C2 Philippine map t shirt. The Collezione C2 t shirts can, after all, be worn to a wide variety of functions, from work to leisure and socials. The t shirts can be collected through the Collezione C2 online store if the consumer has no access to Philippine stores. It will always be a worthy investment because Collezione C2 Pilipinas map t shirts and polo shirts are already considered as modern classics. Soon, the other garments in the Collezione C2 line may also be made available from the official online store from the Philippines.

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