There are several images that automatically come to mind when we think about weddings. We might think of a church decorated with flowers and layers of tulle, the aisle strewn with petals. We might think about bridesmaids in pretty identical dresses and sweet-looking flower girls looking thrilled to be at the center of attention for the few minutes they will be walking down the aisle. But the most prominent image that we associate with weddings is the bride in a white ball-gown dress, her hair covered by a long translucent veil, cradling a beautiful bouquet of flowers in her hands.
The tradition of carrying a bridal bouquet is almost as old as weddings themselves. Flowers symbolize fertility, but very little research is done on the origin of the bridal bouquet and the tradition of throwing the bouquet and passing on the fertility to another woman in the wedding. Nevertheless, the wedding bouquet is a time-honored tradition that is observed in different ways.
Bridal bouquets can be either a single, long-stemmed flower tied with a colorful ribbon, a large bunch of many different flowers, or something in between. Most brides say that choosing the flowers to go with the bouquet is a difficult decision to make. However, there is no such thing as the right or wrong bouquet. The only right bridal bouquet is whatever you want it to be. If youve always wanted a bridal bouquet of dazzling tropical Philippine flowers enhanced by glittering Swarovski crystals, then you should definitely go for it. A single red rose wrapped in lace would be just as stunning.
If youre having difficulty deciding, heres a tip: think of a way you can connect the flowers to your wedding gown and the bridesmaids dresses. If your wedding dress is ivory white while your bridesmaids are wearing peach, a coral rose bouquet will make the colors stand out.
For a colorful bridal bouquet, remember that colors that are shades of each other will give your bouquet a more subtle look. If youre wearing a simple dress, try a bouquet with contrasting colors as the flowers will stand out more than your dress.
Another area for variety is the bouquets shape. The most popular arrangement is the round one, but you can always add a unique twist to it by giving it a downward point of greenery and lace. You can also place beads or crystals and allow them to trail over the bottom edge to make your bridal bouquet sparkle. There is an incredibly array of options for brides when it comes to choosing the flowers, styles, and arrangement of the bridal bouquet. With florists offering a dizzying array of options for weddings, youd be hard-pressed to find the right bridal bouquet to complement your dress on your wedding day.
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